Dennes Point Heritage Trail Opens!


Friends of North Bruny are very pleased to announce that the Dennes Point Heritage Trail has opened! Thanks to Rodney Dillon for welcoming us to Country, and Greg Lehman for his moving speech about the great significance of the site and the new trail. Thanks also to Kingborough Mayor Steve Wass for officially opening the Trail, and Gerry McAfee for officiating. And thank you also to everyone who came along to the opening, and all those who have supported this project at every step along the way. If you haven’t seen the Trail yet, we hope you’ll come along and walk it soon.

Find out more:

Here are some photos from the opening.

Tassal’s Media Release re Retirement of Tinderbox Lease, 17 Nov 2017

Below is an important media release from Tassal. It provides formal confirmation by their accreditation body, SCS Global Services, that MF90 (the Tinderbox Lease) will soon be retired. FONB cautiously welcomes this development. We have sought advice from Tassal about the remediation protocols that might be in place for this process. We have also asked DPIWE’s Director of Marine Resources for advice on what reduction in nitrogen load might be expected with this and other retirements in the Channel. We remain deeply concerned about the impacts of proposed expansions of fish farming in Storm Bay. FONB would welcome comment.

Friends of North Bruny and Storm Bay Aquaculture

For the past 12 months and more, the issue of fish farm expansion in Storm Bay has come to dominate discussion within FONB.  A well attended General Meeting on February 11, and an AGM last month that attracted an even larger turnout, demonstrated the degree of community concern that exists over this issue.  FONB will continue to serve as a fulcrum for analysis and action over fish farm expansion on the northeast coast of Bruny Island.  Our position is well summarised in the following motion, unanimously passed at the 11 February meeting:

‘That the Executive Committee act on behalf of Friends of North Bruny to work with other community groups around Storm Bay to bring to the attention of the Premier, Fisheries Minister and the Marine Farming Planning Review Panel the need for an agreed plan for sustainable fish farming in Storm Bay and the D’Entrecasteaux; and, asks that this be resolved before there are any expansion to the leases in Storm Bay.’

We’re online!

Friends of North Bruny have made it to the parallel universe of cyberspace! Our website is designed to bring together and make it easier for everyone to access information about North Bruny Island. It will also provide the online platform for a fabulous audio visual on Kelly’s Point, which is coming soon.
On the site right now, you’ll find various reports and other information on North Bruny Island, a great image collection (please let us know if you have others you’d like to add), and information about Friends of North Bruny, including all our past newsletters.
What are you waiting for? Go and have a look –