Are you bushfire ready?

There’s good reason to be worried about the possibility of bushfire this summer.  Winter has been much drier than usual, and the summer also promises to be hot and dry.

Members of the Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS) are coming to North Bruny on Sunday, 12 November, to participate in a community meeting about bushfire preparedness. The meeting will also involve representatives from Tasmania Police and Kingborough Council Emergency Management.

The North Bruny meeting will be held at the Dennes Point Community Hall, between 9.30 and 11.30 am and will involve:

  • Fire behaviour specialists discussing how bushfires behave, and the on-ground operations we might expect
  • Police discussing evacuation capacity and planning
  • Information from Kingborough Council Emergency Management staff

and importantly:

  • information addressing the specific needs of residents, shackies and tourism business owners
  • a Q & A panel discussing and sharing local experience and observations
  • observations on the use of TFS’s Bushfire Readiness Challenge Program

You may also wish to see a copy of the TFS Community Bushfire Protection Plan for Bruny Island, which will be discussed at the meeting.  This can be viewed here.

I encourage you to come to the meeting, as part of becoming properly prepared for the fire season, and as part of planning how you and your household and our wider community can best stay safe in the event of wildfire in our vicinity.

I hope to see you at the meeting.

Best wishes,

Simon Allston
FONB Chair

JoinINSalmonOUT Protest Details


Joininsalmonout Protest this Saturday 9.30am Conningham beach – on beach and water. Here are all the details:

We are reclaiming the D’Entrecasteaux Channel from industrial salmon feedlots …

Come to the Join In … Salmon Out protest

When: 9.30am – This coming Saturday, March 18

Where: Starting at Coningham Beach

Without boats:

 Join us on the beach from 9.30am (see directions below)

Small craft (kayak, inflatable etc): 

 From 8.30am on Coningham Beach.

Bigger boats (outboards etc) 

 Easy launching at Margate slipway.

 Rendezvous off Coningham Beach 09.30 (1nm east of Snug  Bay) 

Large boats (sailing etc)

 Rendezvous off Coningham Beach 09.30 (1nm east of Snug  Bay) 


Join In Salmon Out is a peaceful, legal protest to reclaim the D’Entrecasteaux Channel from the multinational industrial salmon companies for all the people of Tasmania.

LARGER CRAFT: Those craft able to travel some distance will sail/motor/paddle around the Tassal Sheppards lease. (approx 3nm)

SMALLER CRAFT: Small floating craft like paddle boards etc will protest just off the beach.

FOOT TRAFFIC: Meet on the beach to help make all our voices heard … and bring a banner!


 From Hobart direction: head south on Channel Highway to Snug. 900 metres after Snug, turn left on to Old Station Road.

 From the south: head north on Channel Highway, turn right on to Old Station Road before ascending the hill to Snug.

 Follow Old Station Road until it turns sharp right and take the next left on to Coningham Road. Follow until the end of the sealed road – marked with sign to beach to the left.


 PARKING:  There is limited parking beside the beach. Park above the beach at convenient legal spot. Please ensure no driveways are blocked. 

Mobile 0419381339

Kellaway Park Reactivation

We need your input!

Friends of North Bruny is currently undertaking community consultation about the possible reactivation of Kellaway Park, Dennes Point. We value your opinion and there are a couple of ways you can be involved – keep reading …


Kellaway Park is located in the centre of Dennes Point off Sports Road. The land was donated by Percival Wallace Kellaway for recreational use for the people of North Bruny and named Kellaway Park as a mark of respect. This public open space, now owned by Kingborough Council, has a tennis court, cricket pitch and clubroom. Part of the land is wooded. The Park is also used for emergency helicopter retrieval from the area. There were discussions about the Park in 2016 as part of the North Bruny Background and Future Directions Plan. In the coming weeks day to day management of the Park will be assumed by the North Bruny Hall (Lennon Hall, Dennes Point) Committee.

Some young families have suggested that we investigate the level of community support to revitalise the Park. What facilities are lacking on North Bruny which might be introduced into Kellaway Park for community use? If there is enough interest Friends of North Bruny (FONB)  in partnership with the Hall Committee would need to develop a proposal and seek funding through various community grant programs as well as seeking support from Kingborough Council for any proposals. The latter is needed as the land is Council property and additional maintenance may be required.

How can you be involved?

There are a couple of ways you can provide feedback.

  • We are asking you to complete our online survey to assist us in gauging community support and what the priorities may be. This will be open until 31 January 2023.
  • A (free) community barbeque and discussion will be held on site at Kellaway Park on Saturday 14 January 2023 12-2pm and all are welcome. Hope to see you there.
  • You can also send us an email [email protected]

Thank you for your assistance and best wishes for the holiday season.
FONB Committee

We’re online!

Friends of North Bruny have made it to the parallel universe of cyberspace! Our website is designed to bring together and make it easier for everyone to access information about North Bruny Island. It will also provide the online platform for a fabulous audio visual on Kelly’s Point, which is coming soon.
On the site right now, you’ll find various reports and other information on North Bruny Island, a great image collection (please let us know if you have others you’d like to add), and information about Friends of North Bruny, including all our past newsletters.
What are you waiting for? Go and have a look –