Heritage Trail – audio downloads

Audio files of the text of each panel can be downloaded below. Click on the download icon – this:   which you will see to the left of each track title, and the file should download automatically to your device, so that you can then play it with your preferred audio player. Chimes indicate the change between each panel.

NOTE: If the files play in your browser instead of downloading, you should be able to use a ‘right click’ (on your mouse) then select ‘save as’ from the menu that appears, to save them for offline listening.

Complete audio including all panels (MP3 file, 46MB). Total running time approx 50 minutes.

Individual panel tracks

If you prefer to download the tracks individually, you can do this below. The files are about 4 to 5MB each.

Panel 1 – An ancient people of windblown plains
Panel 2 – Rising seas and resourceful mariners
Panel 3 – My.de.weon.ny.pine.ne – a major meeting place
Panel 4 – Europeans come to Bottom Lagoon
Panel 5 – Geographers, naturalists, revolution and wonder
Panel 6 – Who is James Kelly?
Panel 7 – Cape Get-out Farm
Panel 8 – Mysterious John Merrison
Panel 9 – Nature’s Breakwater
Panel 10 – Whaling
Panel 11 – The Meeting of Arra-maïda and Péron
Panel 12 – Getting to and from an island
Panel 13 – Policing the coast
Panel 14 – Discovering the channel


General credits

Thanks to Pete Hay for narrating the panel texts.