Here is a list of birds seen on the Dennes Point Heritage Trail on the morning of 20 April 2018.
See how many you can spot. Doubtless there are more to discover!
- Brown quail
- Black-faced cormorant
- Cattle egret
- White-faced heron
- Wedge-tailed eagle
- Tasmanian native hen
- Masked Lapwings
- Pacific gull
- Kelp gull
- Silver gull
- Crested tern
- Yellow-tailed black-cockatoo
- Galah
- Musk lorikeet
- Green rosella
- Kookaburra
- Superb fairy-wren
- Spotted pardalote
- Forty-spotted pardalote
- Brown thornbill
- Little wattlebird
- Yellow wattlebird
- Yellow-throated honeyeater
- Black-headed honeyeater
- New Holland honeyeater
- Eastern spinebill
- Flame robin
- Grey fantail
- Australian magpie
- Eurasian skylark
- Silvereye
- Common blackbird
- Common starling
Other species seen within the Dennes Point area:
- Chestnut teal
- Pied oystercatcher
- Yellow-rumped thornbill
- Scarlet robin
- Forest raven
- Grey butcherbird
In the warmer months these summer migratory species should also be present:
- Swift parrot
- Welcome swallow
- Dusky woodswallow
- Black-faced cuckoo-shrike
- Striated pardalote
- Pallid cuckoo
Several additional resident species have been seen on subsequent visits:
- White-bellied sea-eagle
- Pacific black duck
- Wood duck
- Great cormorant
- Sooty oystercatcher
- Grey shrike-thrush
- Common bronzewing
- Goldfinch
- Sparrow