There’s good reason to be worried about the possibility of bushfire this summer.  Winter has been much drier than usual, and the summer also promises to be hot and dry.

Members of the Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS) are coming to North Bruny on Sunday, 12 November, to participate in a community meeting about bushfire preparedness. The meeting will also involve representatives from Tasmania Police and Kingborough Council Emergency Management.

The North Bruny meeting will be held at the Dennes Point Community Hall, between 9.30 and 11.30 am and will involve:

  • Fire behaviour specialists discussing how bushfires behave, and the on-ground operations we might expect
  • Police discussing evacuation capacity and planning
  • Information from Kingborough Council Emergency Management staff

and importantly:

  • information addressing the specific needs of residents, shackies and tourism business owners
  • a Q & A panel discussing and sharing local experience and observations
  • observations on the use of TFS’s Bushfire Readiness Challenge Program

You may also wish to see a copy of the TFS Community Bushfire Protection Plan for Bruny Island, which will be discussed at the meeting.  This can be viewed here.

I encourage you to come to the meeting, as part of becoming properly prepared for the fire season, and as part of planning how you and your household and our wider community can best stay safe in the event of wildfire in our vicinity.

I hope to see you at the meeting.

Best wishes,

Simon Allston
FONB Chair